Katarina Ryan, L.Ac. has special education and certification in cosmetic facial acupuncture. She is trained by acupuncturist Mary Elizabeth Wakefield who is one of the leading proponents of facial acupuncture and related techniques in the world today. She is one of only a select few US acupuncturists, including Jeffrey Yuen, to have been awarded the title of Educator of the Year by the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAAOM), for her contributions to the field of Oriental medicine as a teacher, creator of innovative treatment protocols, writer for acupuncture periodicals, and advocate of acupuncture in the national media.
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture It is safe, effective and painless treatment for renewing the face as well as the whole body. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced and bags around neck and eyes firmed.Fine needles are placed at a variety of acupuncture points on the face, neck and around the eyes. Since muscle groups are addressed as well the acupuncture points, the face lifts itself, via the acupuncture points, through the muscles’ toning and tightening action.
The benefits include:
- Stimulate blood and circulation, which improves facial color,
- Improves collagen production and muscle tone
- Helps reduce bags and sagging tendencies
- Helps eliminate fine lines and diminish larger wrinkles
- Helps reduce double chin and lift drooping eyelids
- Improves metabolism
- Tightens pores and brightens eyes
- Increases local blood and lymph circulation
- Improves facial color
- Reduces stress and promotes total health and well-being.
Facial Acupuncture involves the patient in an organic process, in which a series of treatments is necessary to achieve maximal effect. After an initial session, the practitioner evaluates the patient’s response, and determines the number of follow-up visits that will be required.
The Use of Chinese Herbs
The Facial Acupuncture treatment protocol incorporates Chinese herbal moisturizers and Jade rollers, which enhance blood circulation, remove fine lines and age spots, and prevent premature aging, are used to massage moisturizer into the skin. The ancient temptresses of China used jade as a precious stone to be worn, not only around their necks, but also to attract yin and nourishment into their skin. The stone served a double purpose of promoting beauty and for magical protection.
Short and Long-Term Effects of Facial Acupuncture
After the first treatment, one usually observes an increased glow to the complexion, wrinkles start to lessen and the skin appears more toned. A significant difference in their appearance can be ascertained following the 5th to 7th treatments; even more marked changes in wrinkles, skin tone, etc. The impression of relaxation and calm is more pronounced; they appear as if they have returned from vacation. Lifting of the jowls, neck and the eyes has begun and is usually noticeable. By the end of a series, the patient should look and feel 5-7 years younger. These results may vary slightly, depending upon how well the patient has taken care of themselves during the process, and afterward. At this stage, booster treatments provide ongoing support within a normal process of aging.
Facial Acupuncture is non-invasive, less costly than surgical procedures, and draws upon the ancient Chinese wisdom related to longevity, beauty and balance.
Facial acupuncture treatments are not covered by insurance. Call for pricing.