Q: What is Acupuncture and why does it work?
Acupuncture has been used as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to safely, effectively and naturally treat pain and disease. Acupuncture is insertion of sterile, hair thin needles into specific points on the body.Acupuncture points are places where the nerves and blood vessels are densley packed and stimulation of these points regulates the function of the brain, nervous system and internal organs to stop pain, increase circulation and restore normal functioning of the body.Hormones, neurotransmitters, natural pain -relieving substances and natural anti-inflammatory mediators are also released during acupuncture to help stop pain and restore optimal functioning of the body. Effects of acupuncture include pain relief, increased circulation, improved functions of the; organs, nervous system and immune system. Reduction of muscle spasm, increased range of motion in joints, stress relief, relaxation, and overall a sense of well being.
Q: Is Acupuncture safe?
Yes, Acupuncture when preformed by a licensed and competent practitioner is safe and effective. Acupuncture needles used are sterile and disposable and used only once on each point. Major side effects is almost unheard of, the worst that sometimes can happen is a minor bruising.
Q: Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture uses hair thin needles which are usually completely painless when inserted. While a small percentage of patients can experience some discomfort, most will find it very relaxing and many will fall asleep during treatment.
Q: What is Chinese Medicine and acupuncture used for?
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has safely been used for thousands of years as a complete medical system in Asian countries. It’s been used for most diseases, pain relief and herbal medicine treatments. It should be used as first line of treatment for our most common health ailments because it is safe and effective, without side effects. Chinese Medicine is more and more used as an integrative treatment with western medicine. World Health Organization endorses acupuncture for at least two dozen conditions and the US National Institutes of Health issued a consensus statement proposing acupuncture as a therapeutic intervention for complementary medicine.
- Upper Respiratory Tract
- Acute sinusitis
- Acute rhinitis
- Common Cold and Flu
- Acute tonsillitis
- Respiratory System
- Acute bronchitis
- Bronchial asthma
(Most effective in children and uncomplicated conditions.) - Eye Disorders
- Acute conjunctivitis
- Central Retinitis Myopia (in children)
- Cataracts (without complications)
- Mouth Disorders
- Toothache
- Post Extraction Pain
- Gingivitis
- Acute and Chronic Pharyngitis
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Spasms of esophagus
- Hiccough
- Gastroptosis
- Acute and Chronic Gastritis
- Gastric Hyperacidity
- Chronic Duodenal Ulcer (pain relief)
- Acute Duodenal Ulcer (without complications)
- Acute and Chronic Colitis
- Acute Bacillary Dysentery
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Paralytic Ileus
- Neurologic and Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Headache and Migraine
- Trigeminal Neuralgias
- Facial Palsy (early stage, i.e., within 3-6 months)
- Pareses Following a Stroke
- Peripheral Neuropathies
- Sequelae of Poliomyelitis (early stage, i.e., within 6 months)
- Meniere’s Disease
- Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
- Nocturnal Enuresis (bedwetting)
- Intercostal Neuralgia
- Cervicobrachial Syndrome
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Sciatica
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Back and Knee Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue
- Sports Injuries and Pains
- Reproductive & Gynecological Conditions
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps)
- Spotting and Excessive Bleeding
- Amenorrhea (Loss of Menstrual Period)
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Incontinence
- Prostatis
- Mental Emotional Problems
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
Q: Can acupuncture and Chinese Medicine be used as preventative measure to illness?
Yes, It is used as a preventative measure to disease. As a matter of fact, preventing disease and illness is one of the highest tenets of Chinese medicine.
Q: What kinds of herbs do you use and are they safe?
Acupuncture Therapeutics uses the highest quality herbs available. We administer herbal formulas in capsul form that makes it easy to take.
Q: What can I expect on my first visit?
Your first visit will include a thorough review of your medical history, physical exam, diagnosis, and acupuncture treatment. A complete treatment plan and expected outcomes will be explained. Please allow enough time for your first appointment (approx 60-80 min).Follow up appointments takes about 45 min. Dress comfortable, with loose fitting clothes. A small meal is good before your acupuncture treatment, however don’t be too full. Do not consume any alcohol or take any recreational drugs before your treatment.
Q: What is a typical course of treatment?
Every condition is different. (Chronic problems require more time). We generally recommend a trial of 6-12 acupuncture treatments so that we can evaluate your rate of response and can then give you a more accurate estimate after the trial.